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Fight Cancer With These 10 Super Foods

More than a third of all cancers could be prevented by changes in diet and exercise we have brought a list of 10 superfoods...

Rubbing lemon on face is good or bad

The best way to Use Lemons in Your Beauty Routine Lemons have numerous properties that make them nice to make use of in your regular...

How to get rid of cockroaches in apartments

Roaches Again !!! Cockroaches are amongst the most widely recognized insects on the planet. They are brewed in your home looking for food and water....

Drug Addiction : Natural Ways To Help Beat

You can see definite improvements in patients with the proper therapy assistance. By explaining the base of addiction, you can get into the roots...

Home remedies for fibromyalgia flare up

Women And Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes enervating pain and tiredness The ailment is reported to affect nearly 5 million Americans aged above...

How to stop hives from itching: 15 home remedies

What are hives? Hives are usually caused by an allergic reaction and show on the skin as raised red bumps. They are itchy and may...

Natural cure for hepatitis b

What is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a serious liver health condition caused due to Hepatitis B virus (HBV). for a few people, Hepatitis B infection...

20 ways to reduce indigestion and bloating : quick and long term relief

Indigestion Most of us have experienced indigestion at one time or another, especially after eating spicy foods, or foods with high acid content. In...

How to recover from jaundice

What is Jaundice? Jaundice is a condition that causes yellowing of the skin. It occurs when the liver cannot function normally, causing bilirubin levels in...

Home remedies for body pain and tiredness

What is body pain and tiredness? Hot summers are beating up. Surrounded by too much heat, energy levels in the body are exhausting quickly. Body...

How to lower my blood sugar level naturally

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body from utilizing glucose completely or partially It is characterized by raised glucose concentration...

How to get rid of a cold sore

Cold Sores/ Herpes Cold sores manifest in the form of fluid-filled blisters, which normally appear around the mouth area or lips. The skin surrounding...
