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HomeHome RemediesHome remedies for fibromyalgia flare up

Home remedies for fibromyalgia flare up

Women And Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes enervating pain and tiredness The ailment is reported to affect nearly 5 million Americans aged above 18 years Though there is no specific distinction and anyone can develop the sickness regardless of age or gender, yet the majority is seen in women As per the, nearly 80% to 90% of the people who have Fibromyalgia are women. The disease causes unbearable pain and soreness in the whole body, and the “tender” points are more severely affected when pressure is applied to them

The pain-pressure sensitive tender points are in the following regions of the body

  • Neck, shoulders, and back
  • Upper and lower limbs and hips
  • Reduced cognitive and memory function
  • Sleep disorders
  • Stiffening of muscles, particularly in the morning
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pains in head
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Weakened sensation or tingling of hands and feet
  • Sensitivity to temperature and exposure to light
  • Sensitivity to loud noises
  • Restless leg syndrome

Causes Symptoms and Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia in women

Symptoms of fibromyalgia

Anxiety, depression, tension, fatigue, chronic muscle aches and pain, joint swelling, headaches (sometimes migraine), irritable bowels, sleep disturbances, and stiffness. The pain is described as burning, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. Pain and stiffness are the greatest in the morning. Depression appears to be a key factor. Other symptoms include menstrual problems, palpitations,

  • Memory impairment,
  • Dizziness,
  • Dry eyes and mouth,
  • Frequent changes in eyeglasses,
  • Impaired coordination.
  • Lifting or climbing stairs seems hard to do.
  • The existence of “tender points” is a distinctive symptom.

Causes of fibromyalgia

The reasons behind the ailment of fibromyalgia are still not clear. It can be associated with the lifestyles or side effects of some other diseases. The disease is more common in people suffering from arthritis, lupus, or a family history of the disease. The disease is also found in people who suffer from repetitive motion injuries, traumas, infection, or illness due to other factors.

Fibromyalgia is more of a set of symptoms than a disease, and it is primarily caused by stress. Women have it more often than men. Often mistaken for arthritis, rheumatism, or Epstein-Barr syndrome, fibromyalgia causes the muscles and joints to tighten up when under stress. Emotions have a powerful effect on the body. Those experiencing this problem frequently have a shallow sleep. Muscle spasms and pain in various places may occur at night (or during the day).

Then there are the so-called “tender points.” These symptoms are unique to this disease, unlike any other disease. There are 9 pairs of specific points where muscles are especially sensitive to touch. Here are those 9 locations:

In muscles at the base of the skull, neck, upper back, or mid-back. On the side of the elbow, around the lower vertebra of the neck, at the insertion of the second rib, in the upper and outer muscles of the buttocks, around the upper part of the thigh bone, at the middle of the knee joint. Those with fibromyalgia experience so many sleep problems (apnea, bruxism, restless leg syndrome, etc.), that they often have chronic fatigue.

The symptoms often begin in young adulthood, develop gradually, and slowly increase in intensity until many become incapacitated by the problem. Sometimes the syndrome disappears; other times it is chronic; and, in some cases, it comes back in recurring flare-ups. The cause is not really known, but the chronic depression of spirits seems to be involved.

Diagnosis of fibromyalgia

The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia is tough because the symptoms are not very unique. If the possibility of other potential diseases is not there, then fibromyalgia may be diagnosed if the patient exhibits the following conditions:

  • Pain all over the body for more than 3 months
  • A set of 18 prescribed tender points initiate pain in response to pressure applied to these joints.

Treatment Home Remedies

The treatment of fibromyalgia involves a multilayer approach. As a systemic disease, the series of symptoms it causes can be cured with a synergistic approach. Successful treatment can be achieved by consulting a doctor and getting medical and alternative therapy processes.


Fibromyalgia can be treated with several medications. Two known medicines to treat this problem are pregabalin and duloxetine, both are FDA approved. Pregabalin, also known as Lyrica, is an anticonvulsant and helps in treating fibromyalgia-related pain. The side effects of the medicine are dizziness, sleepiness, swelling, and weight gain.

Duloxetine, also known as Cymbalta, is an antidepressant. This also has side effects like nausea, insomnia, dizziness, etc. These drugs should be prescribed by a physician and taken under medical supervision. Antidepressants are also given to relieve fibromyalgia pain, but these cannot treat chronic pain completely.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies do result in good and relieve fibromyalgia pain. A to the American Pain Society, the main goal of these therapies is to cure chronic pain and improve the performance of daily activities for the patient.

Some of these alternative therapies are:

  • Body Massage
  • Myofascial release therapy
  • Acupressure and Acupuncture
  • Practicing Yoga
  • Moderate exercises
  • Breathing therapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Biofeedback

Lifestyle Modifications

You should know that lifestyle changes also improve the condition and cures fibromyalgia.

They include:

  • Exercise – Pain, and tiredness indeed make it difficult to exercise regularly, but it is a proven way to improve mobility and functional fitness levels in patients.
  • Nutrition – A healthy diet regulates overall health and prevents the occurrence of diseases. Healthy food supports healthy energy too. There is no direct connection between fibromyalgia and any specific foods, but you can select a diet and monitor the effects.
  • Sleep Hygiene – In Fibromyalgia, make sure to have enough sound sleep and this eases the pain and fatigue. Enough sound sleep means on average, an adult requires seven to eight hours of sleep.
  • Work-Life Balance – People suffering from fibromyalgia may need to adapt or change their careers and work conditions because factors like the working hours, environment, and ergonomics may affect adversely.

Though fibromyalgia is very painful yet it is a manageable disease. Anyone who experiences four or more of the above symptoms for more than three months must seek medical attention. There are various ways of treatments. You may consult with your physician to understand the right course of treatment for you.

Natural cures for fibromyalgia treat the root cause

FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME (Chronic Muscle Pain Syndrome Fibromyositis, Fibrositis, Tension Myalgia)


home remedies for fibromyalgia flare up


fibromyalgia natural treatment diet

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet.
  • Do not drink coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate, or take pain relievers.
  • Avoid all types of drugs; they only add to your problems. If any of these have been part of your diet, the symptoms may worsen for a time when you drop them, but persevere, and you will feel better for having done so.
  • Do not eat meat, dairy products, white flour products, processed food, or any food high in saturated fats.
  • Avoid wheat and brewer’s yeast until your symptoms fade.
  • Poor absorption of food is involved with this problem; so eat slowly of good nourishing food, and chew it well. Be sure to take vitamin/mineral supplementation.
  • Magnesium is important.
  • Drink plenty of liquids, including quality water.
  • Food and chemical allergies can be involved. Try to search out yours and avoid them.
  • Learn to rest and be relaxed. Be able to relax after work.
  • Go out and walk in the fresh air, and thank God for your blessings. Indeed, count them all, one by one, and thank Him for them all.
  • Determine what your problems are and solve them, know you are working toward solving them, or learn to live with them and no longer be bothered by them.
  • A fair amount of muscular activity helps relax a person mentally and emotionally. Enjoy out-of-door activities, such as gardening or raising flowers.
  • You need a regular amount of regular daily exercise, not a hard workout every so many day.
  • Building up such a regular exercise program will do much to alleviate the problem.
  • Take a hot and cold shower each morning, to stimulate circulation and help reduce morning stiffness. Cold showers are actually better than hot ones for reducing fibromyalgia pains.
  • Helpful herbs include comfrey, alfalfa, hop, skullcap, white willow bark, and valerian.
  • Physicians prescribe antidepressants for fibromyalgia. These can cause side effects that are not helpful.